epileptic|epileptics in English


[ep·i·lep·tic || ‚epɪ'leptɪk]

one who suffers from epilepsy (neurological disorder)

Use "epileptic|epileptics" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "epileptic|epileptics" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "epileptic|epileptics", or refer to the context using the word "epileptic|epileptics" in the English Dictionary.

1. He had an epileptic seizure .

2. Is she an epileptic?

3. However, not all epileptic seizures lead to Convulsions, and not all Convulsions are caused by epileptic seizures

4. He had an epileptic fit .

5. She suffers from epileptic fits.

6. Mr Sefelt is an epileptic, Mr McMurphy.

7. She's been an epileptic from birth.

8. His wife is an epileptic.

9. He suffered an epileptic fit.

10. He takes medication because he's an epileptic.

11. I am anything but an epileptic.

12. Epileptic Seizures Under Antidepressive Drug Treatment: Systematic Review

13. We read that Jesus miraculously cured lepers, epileptics, and blind or paralyzed ones.

14. The Anticonvulsants reduce the number and severity of epileptic convulsions

15. The controlled epileptic should have no problem with employment.

16. Ten patients had hypoxaemic events induced by epileptic seizures.

17. I have seen epileptic seizures that have broken bones, Mrs. Ives.

18. These abilities have been most clearly shown for some epileptics whose corpus callosum has been severed.

19. On alternative psychoses of paranoid nature in "forced normalisation" (Landolt) of the electroencephalogram of epileptics".

20. Also patron of epileptics and runaways; she is invoked against diabolic possession and mental disorders.

21. Their adopted daughter, Melinda, died during an epileptic seizure.

22. The area around you began to convulse like an epileptic ward.

23. About two in every five epileptic fits occur during sleep.

24. Experts therefore encourage epileptics to get proper rest and to exercise regularly in order to reduce stress.

25. PURPOSE: Genital Automatisms (GAs) are rare clinical phenomena during or after epileptic seizures